Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Sahlab... A wonderful way to cozy up in cold weather.

If you're like me, a cold drink on a warm day can change everything.  With this year's rare cold winter here in Egypt I set out to find that perfect comfort drink and here it is... Sahlab (سحلب)

Sahlab is a creamy drink traditionally made from the tubers of the orchid orchis mascula. Sahlab in its true form is becoming increasingly rare as the wild orchid is becoming rarer.  In traditional methods, sahlab was made by boiling the tubers of the orchid, drying them, and then grinding them into a starch. Sahlab was then prepared into a drink much similar to what is enjoyed across the world today.

 Sahlab was once used as an aphrodisiac and the tubers of the orchid are known to have medicinal properties that help relieve stress, soothe indigestion, and relieve headaches. The drink is not particularly an Egyptian drink, though it's true origin is unknown.  It is popular throughout the Middle East, Balkan, and Mediterranean areas.

Most of the sahlab drink mixes you will find today will contain very little if any actual orchid tuber, so if you're concerned about the rarity of this flower you needn't be as you can avoid using the pure natural product.  I have used both 100% natural pure sahlab (from Greece) and the artificial drink mix (Dreem Sahlab) and I have noted only a slight difference in taste and no difference in the consistency.
Both the artificial and natural products can be found online and often at your Middle Eastern supermarkets.

Sahlab is fairly easy to prepare using either the traditional or prepackaged method.  I do recommend that before trying either method that you purchase a milk pot, which is a pot used for boiling milk as sahlab does get thick and sticky.

When preparing artificial sahlab simply follow the directions on the package.  I can not stress enough, though, not to let your milk heat too quickly as you will end up scorching it.  Also, be sure to whisk or stir continuously.  Below you will find the recipe for natural, traditional sahlab.

Serving Size: 2
Cook time: 5-8 minutes

  • 2 1/2 cups of full cream (whole) milk
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla powder
  • 3 1/2 tbsp pure finely ground sahlab
  • 1 tbsp corn starch
  • 1 tsp toasted sesame seeds
  • 1 1/2 tbsp shredded coconut
  • 2 tsp sugar
  • 1 tbsp pistachio or cashews (optional)
  • cinnamon to dust (also optional-I personally don't like the taste)
  1. Add milk, vanilla, sahlab, corn starch, sesame seeds, and 1/2 tbsp of shredded coconut. to milk pan and place over low heat.  Heat until hot, but remember DO NOT BOIL
  2. Stir with whisk continuously.
  3. Make sure to whisk out any lumps before the milk begins to heat
  4.  Continue to whisk until it thickens to desired consistency.  This will be just before the boiling point. 
  5. Pour into mugs and top with shredded coconut and nuts.
  6. Enjoy hot.
Tips: be sure not to cook this too quickly and whisk continuously!


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