Thursday, April 18, 2013

I did it.

I made it official and asked for a divorce.

I am staying with a friend.  No the girls aren't with me yet.  It sucks.  I feel so empty without them but they deserve more than to see us fighting every singe day in and out.  It's not fair.  It's also not fair to rip them away from their home, their school, their friends, and stability.  I don't know where this is going to lead me.

Chris isn't happy.  He insists he's sorry and doesn't understand. He is desperately begging me to come home.  He has threatened suicide and has been calling me every 10 minutes.  I can't give in. I can't go back to that.  I deserve better,  My girls deserve better.  They need to learn that if someone treats you like that you don't have to take it, you need to get out.  I will come back for them.  This is better for us all.

I'm frustrated and tired.