Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Weight loss Demystified.

I have struggled with weight loss for the past 16 years.  I had tried every diet imaginable and then some.  Before becoming pregnant with Ariana I was wearing a size 10 jeans.  For my  bone size and muscle mass this isn't bad at all.  Actually I was quite satisfied with that.  

Upon arriving to Egypt three months ago I was wearing a size 18.  I thought I ate healthy.  Salads, juice, water...  Yes cookies, coffee, soda, candy and fast food... But I didn't think it was that often.

I am currently a  juniors size 12.  Yes.  12.  In three months I have dropped 6 pants sized.

Since being in Egypt I have had fast food twice.  Once we had KFC and once we had Pizza Hut in Cairo. 

I rarely eat junk food.  Soda maybe three times a week.  Half a candy bar maybe, maybe every other day.  No candies.  Limited ice cream.  Chips maybe once a week.  And that isn't a full family sized bag.  No half a small personal sized bag.

I don't really exercise.  With my herniated disk that isn't really all that possible.  I walk about 6 km a week total.

No here's my secret.  No processed food.  No junk.  Everything, including the meat, is fresh.  Not even frozen.

That means no MSG, no preservatives, no added sweeteners, no added salt.

Every morning I eat one circle loaf of flat bread.  This is with fool (stewed beans), eggs, cheese, and tomato.  Lunch is our big meal here-eaten between 2 and 4PM.  Which actually makes a lot of sense.  Eat your larger meal while you still have time to burn off the calories.  Supper is more like a snack and is eaten at like 10 PM-Midnight.

I eat a lot of rice.  A lot of bread.  Lots of beans.  Lots of meat.  Lots of vegetables. Difference being... Never once have I eaten a meal made from a box or frozen.  Never once have I eaten a processed meal (with the exception of the two fast food meals).  I drink 4 liters of water a day.  Two cups of tea.  One Turkish coffee. 

Isn't really hard.  And tastes a lot better.  :)

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